Wednesday, January 31, 2024

When Life’s Hardknocks Leave You Stuck in a Rut & Days Are Dark

Bad Things Can Happen to Good People

When days are dark, it means that we are facing trials and tribulations that test our faith and endurance to their limits. As Christians, we are not immune to the hardships, trials, and tribulations of life,  but we have a hope and a promise that God will never leave us nor forsake us. He is our refuge and strength, our very present help in trouble.


How do we cope when days are dark? How do we respond to the challenges and difficulties that come our way? And how do others around us react to our situation? Do they offer comfort and support, or do they add to our misery and pain?

 The Story of Job

One of the most remarkable stories in the bible that illustrates the different reactions to suffering is the story of Job. It is a story that is both challenging and comforting. Job was a righteous man who feared God and shunned evil. He had a large family, great wealth, and many servants. He was blessed by God in every way. One day, Satan challenged God and said that Job only loved God because of his blessings and that if God took away everything he had, Job would curse God to his face. God allowed Satan to test Job, but with one condition: he could not harm Job's life.


Satan unleashed a series of calamities on Job: he lost his livestock, his servants, his children, and his health. He was left with nothing but his wife and his own skin, which was covered with painful boils. Job sat on a heap of ashes, scraping himself with a piece of pottery. Remember, “…your adversary the devil as a roaring lion, walketh about seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8 KJV) and he is an accuser of the brethren (Revelation 12:10).


How did Job react to his situation? Did he curse God as Satan expected? No, he did not. He said: "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised." (Job 1:21) He also said: "Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?" (Job 2:10) Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing.

The Reaction of Family & Friends 

What about his wife? How did she react to her husband's suffering? She said to him: "Are you still holding on to your integrity? Curse God and die!" (Job 2:9) She was bitter and angry at God for allowing such tragedy to befall them. She wanted Job to give up on his faith and end his misery.


What about his friends? How did they react to Job's plight? Job had three friends who came to visit him: Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar. They heard about his troubles and came to sympathize with him and comfort him. When they saw him from a distance, they could hardly recognize him. They wept aloud, tore their robes, and sprinkled dust on their heads. They sat on the ground with him for seven days and seven nights. No one said a word to him because they saw how great his suffering was.


After seven days, Job broke the silence and cursed the day of his birth. He wished he had never been born, or that he had died at birth. He questioned why God gave life to those who long for death. Then his friends began to speak. They tried to explain why Job was suffering so much. They assumed that he must have done something wrong to deserve such punishment from God. They accused him of being wicked, hypocritical, foolish, and rebellious. They urged him to repent of his sins and seek God's mercy.


Job defended himself against their accusations. He maintained his innocence and integrity. He said that he had not sinned against God or man. He said that he had always been faithful, righteous, just, generous, compassionate, and godly. He challenged his friends to show him where he had gone wrong. He also complained to God about his situation. He asked God why he was suffering so much when he had done nothing wrong. He pleaded with God to answer him and show him what charges he had against him. He argued that God was unjust and cruel in afflicting him without cause.


God did not answer Job's complaints right away. Instead, another person joined the conversation: a young man named Elihu. Elihu had been listening to Job and his friends for a long time, but he had not spoken because he was younger than them. But when he saw that they had no answer for Job, he became angry at them for condemning Job without reason, and at Job for justifying himself rather than God.

 The Youngest Spoke Words of Wisdom

Elihu spoke up and rebuked both Job and his friends. He said that they were all wrong in their views of God and suffering. He said that God is not unjust or cruel, but sovereign and wise. He said that God does not punish the righteous or reward the wicked according to their deeds, but according to his own purposes and plans. He said that God uses suffering as a way of teaching, correcting, refining, testing, humbling, and disciplining his people. He said that God is not silent or indifferent, but speaks through various ways, such as dreams, visions, nature, and events. He said that God is not obligated to answer anyone's questions or complaints, but he is gracious and compassionate to those who humble themselves and seek him.


Elihu's speech prepared the way for God to speak to Job. God finally answered Job out of a storm. He did not explain why Job was suffering, nor did he address Job's accusations. Instead, he asked Job a series of questions that revealed his power, wisdom, and majesty in creating and sustaining the universe. He challenged Job to answer him if he could.


Job realized that he had spoken out of ignorance and arrogance. He admitted that he had no right to question God or demand an explanation from him. He said: "I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted. You asked, 'Who is this that obscures my plans without knowledge?' Surely, I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know. You said, 'Listen now, and I will speak; I will question you, and you shall answer me.' My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore, I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes." (Job 42:2-6)

 How Did it End For Job?

God accepted Job's repentance and restored his favor to him. He also rebuked Job's friends for speaking falsely about him. He told them to offer a sacrifice and ask Job to pray for them, otherwise he would deal with them according to their folly. They did as God commanded, and Job prayed for them.


Then God blessed Job more than before. He gave him twice as much as he had before. He gave him seven sons and three daughters. He gave him a long life of 140 years. He saw his children and their children to the fourth generation. Job died, old and full of years.


What can we learn from this story? We can learn that suffering is not always a result of sin or a sign of God's displeasure. Sometimes it is a test of our faith and loyalty to God. We can learn that God is sovereign and wise in allowing suffering in our lives. He has a purpose and a plan that we may not understand or see at the moment, but we can trust that he will work all things for our good and his glory. We can learn that God is not silent or distant in our suffering. He speaks to us through his word, his creation, his Spirit, and his people. He is with us and for us in our troubles. We can learn that God is gracious and compassionate in our suffering. He does not treat us as our sins deserve, but he forgives us when we repent and restores us when we humble ourselves. He gives us more than we need or deserve. It is not easy to understand or accept suffering when we are going through it, however.


We can also learn how to react to others who are suffering. We can learn not to judge them or accuse them of wrongdoing without knowing their situation or their heart. We can learn not to offer shallow or false comfort or advice that does not help or heal. We can learn to sympathize with them and mourn with them in their pain. We can learn to speak the truth in love and point them to God's character and promises. We can learn to pray for them and intercede for them before God. We can be discerning, knowing when we should be silent but supportive. We can offer support without giving our analysis and instructions regarding the situation.


When days are dark, let us remember the story of Job and how God dealt with him and his friends. Let us hold on to our faith and hope in God who is faithful and good. Let us seek his face and his grace in our time of need. Keep holding on my friend.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Iridology, Naturopathic, and Herbal Treatments

    (This is the fifth and final of a five-part series on alternative medicine.)


Iridology: A Holistic Approach to Health Assessment


Iridology is a holistic practice that analyzes the iris of the eye to detect health conditions and imbalances in the body. It uses an iridology chart to locate the features or abnormalities in the color of the iris that correspond to different body parts and functions. This is similar to the way a reflexology chart is used to identify reflex points that are believed to correspond to different organs and body systems. Iridology is not usually a standalone holistic approach but is a diagnostic tool used in conjunction with naturopathic and other herbal treatments.                   


What is the iris and what does it reveal?


The iris is the colored part of the eye that surrounds the pupil. It is composed of muscle fibers, blood vessels, nerves, and pigment cells. The iris controls the amount of light that enters the eye by adjusting the size of the pupil. It is also one of the most stable and unique features of the human body. No two irises are exactly alike, not even in identical twins. The iris patterns are formed during fetal development and remain unchanged throughout life, except for some minor changes due to aging or injury. This makes the iris a reliable biometric identifier that can be used for security purposes.


Iridologists believe that the iris can also reveal information about the health of the body and its organs, systems, and tissues. Each part of the iris is said to correspond to a specific part of the body, and an iridology chart is used to illustrate this. The chart divides the iris into zones, sectors, and signs that represent different anatomical regions and functions.


By examining the iris with a flashlight, magnifying glass, camera, or microscope, iridologists look for changes in color, shape, size, structure, and markings of the iris. They interpret these changes as indicators of inflammation, toxicity, stress, weakness, or disease conditions in the corresponding body part or function. It is said that iridologists can determine some existing conditions in a person without being told about their medical conditions or history. For example, if an iridologist finds a dark spot in the lower right quadrant of the right iris, they may conclude that there is a problem with the right kidney. If they find a white ring around the pupil, they may infer that there is a high level of cholesterol or arterial plaque in the blood vessels.


How is iridology performed and what are its benefits?


Iridology is usually performed by a trained practitioner who has studied iridology theory and practice. This person may be a traditional naturopath who has been trained in certain areas of holistic medicine such as naturopathy, herbology, or iridology or may be a naturopathic doctor (ND) with a degree. The practitioner may use various tools and methods to examine and record the iris patterns of their clients. Some common tools and methods are:


- An iriscope:  a device that consists of a light source, a magnifying lens, and a mirror. The practitioner places the device over one eye and looks at its reflection in the mirror. The device allows both eyes to be examined simultaneously.

- A slit-lamp microscope: A slit-lamp microscope is an instrument that uses a narrow beam of light and a binocular microscope to examine the eye in detail. The practitioner can adjust the angle, width, and intensity of the light beam to highlight different features of the iris.

- A camera: A digital camera with a macro lens can capture high-resolution images of the iris that can be stored and analyzed on a computer. The practitioner may use software programs that can enhance, measure, compare, and classify the iris images.

- A flashlight and a magnifying glass: The simplest way to observe the iris is by using a bright light source and a handheld magnifier. The practitioner holds the light close to the eye and looks at the iris through the magnifier.


The benefits of iridology are mainly based on testimonials from practitioners and clients. Some claimed benefits are:


- It can provide a holistic view of the body's health status and potential risks.

- It can detect health problems before they manifest as symptoms or diseases.

- It can identify the root causes of health problems rather than treating only their effects.

- It can suggest natural remedies such as herbs, supplements, diet, or lifestyle changes to improve health and prevent disease.

- It can monitor the progress and effectiveness of treatments or interventions.

- It can enhance self-awareness and empowerment by encouraging clients to take responsibility for their own health.


Limitations and risks of iridology include:


- It cannot replace conventional medical tests or examinations that can confirm or rule out diagnoses.

- It cannot prescribe or administer medical treatments or medications that may be necessary or beneficial for some health problems.

- It may cause harm or delay proper medical care by giving false reassurance or misleading advice to clients who have serious underlying conditions.

- It may conflict or interfere with other medical treatments or medications that clients are taking or need to take.


How to choose an iridologist and what to expect from a session?


If you are interested in trying iridology, you should do your own research. You should choose an iridologist who has proper training, certification, and experience in the field. You should ask for their credentials, references, and testimonials. You should also check their reputation, reviews, and complaints online or offline, as you would for any professional whose services you wish to engage.


You should expect from a session:


- An intake form that asks about your medical history, current health status, symptoms, medications, allergies, lifestyle, and goals.

- A physical examination of your eyes using one or more of the tools and methods mentioned above.

- A verbal or written report of the findings and interpretations of your iris patterns according to the iridology chart.

- A personalized recommendation of natural remedies, supplements, diet, or lifestyle changes that may improve your health and prevent disease.

- Follow-up sessions or contact to monitor your progress and adjust your plan as needed.


Naturopathic Treatment


Naturopathy is a holistic approach to health and wellness that focuses on the body's innate ability to heal itself. Iridology is one of several diagnostic tools that can be used by a naturopathic doctor. Naturopathy uses natural therapies such as nutrition, herbal medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, hydrotherapy, and lifestyle counseling to treat the root cause of disease and promote optimal health. Naturopathy is based on the principle that the body has a vital force or energy that maintains its balance and harmony. When this force is disrupted by external or internal factors, such as stress, toxins, poor diet, or emotional imbalance, disease can occur. Naturopathy aims to restore the balance of the vital forces and stimulate the body's self-healing mechanisms.


Naturopathy is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Naturopaths treat each person as an individual and tailor their treatment plan according to their unique needs, preferences, and goals. Naturopaths also consider the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of health and wellness, and address them holistically. Naturopathy is not only a system of medicine but also a way of life that encourages people to take responsibility for their own health and well-being.


Naturopathy can help with a variety of health conditions, such as chronic pain, digestive disorders, hormonal imbalances, allergies, skin problems, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and more. Naturopathy can also support people who want to prevent disease, enhance their immunity, improve their energy levels, manage their stress, and achieve their optimal health potential. Naturopathy is compatible with conventional medicine and can be used as a complementary, integrative, or alternative therapy. Naturopaths work collaboratively with other health professionals and refer patients to them when necessary.


Herbs and Herbal Treatments

Herbal treatments are often used to complement iridology, as they can help address the root causes of the problems identified by the iris analysis. Naturopathic doctors sometimes use herbal treatments with their patients. Herbology is usually included in their course of study. It is the study of plants and their medicinal, culinary, and cosmetic uses. It is a branch of botany that focuses on the identification, cultivation, harvesting, and preparation of herbs for various purposes. Herbology has a long history in many cultures and traditions, such as Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, Native American healing, African herbalism, and European herbalism. Herbs have also been used by humans for thousands of years for various purposes, such as medicine and food. Herbs have a long and rich history that spans across cultures and continents. Many ancient books, including the Bible, the Vedas, and the Ebers Papyrus a medical text from ancient Egypt mention the use of herbs and their benefits. The Ebers Papyrus which dates back to 1500 BC, also describes the preparation and dosage of herbal medicines, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases.


The Bible mentions many herbs that were used by the people of Israel and other nations in the Middle East. Some of these herbs are frankincense, myrrh, cinnamon, cassia, and aloes.  These herbs were used for religious ceremonies, such as offerings and incense, as well as for medicinal purposes. For example, frankincense and myrrh were used to treat wounds and infections, while cinnamon and cassia were used to flavor food and drinks.


Many people rely on traditional medicine to treat various health conditions, such as malaria, diabetes, hypertension, infertility, and more. They can provide natural alternatives or complements to conventional medicine, but they should be used with caution and respect. Many people think of natural remedies when they hear the word "plants", but did you know that some of the most effective synthetic medicines were developed by studying compounds in plants and mimicking them?


One of the most well-known examples is aspirin, which is derived from salicylic acid, a compound found in willow bark and other plants. Salicylic acid has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, but it can also cause stomach irritation and bleeding. Scientists modified the chemical structure of salicylic acid to create acetylsalicylic acid, which is less harsh on the stomach and more potent. Aspirin is now one of the most widely used drugs in the world, with applications ranging from headache relief to preventing heart attacks and strokes.


Another example is Taxol, a powerful anti-cancer drug that was discovered in the bark of the Pacific yew tree. Taxol works by interfering with the division of cancer cells, preventing them from growing and spreading. However, extracting Taxol from the yew bark was very inefficient and threatened the survival of the endangered tree. Scientists were able to synthesize Taxol in the laboratory, using a precursor molecule found in a more abundant plant, the European yew. This made Taxol more accessible and affordable for cancer patients, as well as more environmentally friendly.

Some of the benefits of herbs are:


- They can help you treat common ailments and conditions, such as colds, headaches, digestive issues, skin problems, and more. Herbs have different properties and effects on the body, such as anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial, etc. By using the right herbs for your situation, you can relieve your symptoms and support your immune system.

- They can enhance the nutrition and flavor of food. Herbs are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals that can boost your health and well-being. They can also add variety and taste to your meals and drinks. You can use herbs to make teas, infusions, decoctions, tinctures, syrups, oils, vinegars, salts, spices, and more.

- They can improve your mood and mental health. Herbs can have positive effects on your brain and nervous system, such as calming, uplifting, stimulating, or balancing. They can help you cope with stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and other emotional issues. You can use herbs to make aromatherapy products, such as candles, diffusers, sprays, lotions, etc.


Some of the most common herbs used in African traditional medicine, and in other countries around the world, include ginger, garlic, moringa, aloe vera, neem, and rooibos. Cinnamon and cloves are also common in many kitchens globally.




Iridology is a holistic diagnostic tool that may provide some insights into your general health status and potential risks. Practitioners such as naturopaths may also suggest some natural remedies or lifestyle changes that may improve your health and prevent diseases or other conditions. Naturopathic treatments and modalities such as herbal treatments, nutrition, hydrotherapy, botanical medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, massage therapy, rife treatment, kinesiology, aromatherapy, IV therapy, lifestyle changes, and other traditional world medicine may be used alongside iridology.


Herbal treatments are a valuable addition to iridology, as they can help you achieve optimal health and wellness. By combining these natural modalities, you can benefit from a holistic and personalized approach to healing. You should research the modalities to identify potential risks or limitations. Consider combining some of these approaches with your conventional treatments if they are appropriate for your situation and can benefit you. You should consult your doctor before starting any new health regimen or making any changes to your existing one. 

Alternative medicine has many modalities and submodalities. This series is by no means exhaustive. We will be revisiting some of these as well as exploring others in the future.

Disclaimer: Any information on conditions, illnesses, diseases, remedies, and treatments available via this blog is intended for general guidance only and must never be considered a substitute for the advice provided by your doctor or other qualified healthcare professionals.

Monday, January 29, 2024

7 Steps to Develop a Winning Attitude and How Faith in God Can Help

 A winning attitude is a mindset that helps you achieve your goals and overcome challenges. It is not something that you are born with, but something that you can develop through practice and discipline. In this blog post, I will share with you the 7 steps to develop a winning attitude, and how faith in God can also help you along the way.

Step 1: Define your vision. The first step to developing a winning attitude is to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve and why. Having a vision gives you direction, motivation, and purpose. It also helps you to align your actions with your values and beliefs.


Step 2: Set SMART goals. The second step to developing a winning attitude is to set SMART goals that support your vision. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. Setting SMART goals helps you to break down your vision into manageable and realistic steps, and to track your progress and results.


Step 3: Plan your strategy. The third step to developing a winning attitude is to plan your strategy for achieving your goals. A strategy is a roadmap that outlines the actions, resources, and tools that you need to accomplish your goals. Planning your strategy helps you to organize your thoughts, prioritize your tasks, and anticipate potential obstacles.


Step 4: Take action. The fourth step to developing a winning attitude is to take action on your strategy. Action is the bridge between your goals and your results. Taking action helps you to move forward, learn from feedback, and adapt to changing circumstances.


Step 5: Celebrate your wins. The fifth step to developing a winning attitude is to celebrate your wins, no matter how big or small they are. Celebrating your wins helps you to acknowledge your efforts, appreciate your achievements, and boost your confidence.


Step 6: Learn from your failures. The sixth step to developing a winning attitude is to learn from your failures, instead of dwelling on them or giving up. Failure is not the opposite of success, but an opportunity to grow and improve. Learning from your failures helps you to identify your weaknesses, correct your mistakes, and avoid repeating them.


Step 7: Keep growing. The seventh and final step to developing a winning attitude is to keep growing as a person and as a professional. Growth is the process of expanding your knowledge, skills, and abilities through learning and experience. Keeping growing helps you to stay curious, challenge yourself, and reach new heights.


How faith in God helps your winning attitude


Faith in God is not a requirement for developing a winning attitude, but it can be a powerful source of support and inspiration for those who believe in Him. Faith in God can help you develop a winning attitude in the following ways:


- Faith in God gives you hope. Hope is the belief that things will get better, even when they seem impossible or difficult. Hope helps you to overcome fear, doubt, and despair, and to keep moving forward with optimism and enthusiasm.

- Faith in God gives you strength. Strength is the ability to endure hardship, overcome adversity, and resist temptation. Strength helps you to cope with stress, face challenges, and overcome obstacles.

- Faith in God gives you wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to make sound decisions, based on knowledge, understanding, and insight. Wisdom helps you to avoid pitfalls, solve problems, and achieve success.

- Faith in God gives you peace. Peace is the state of being calm, serene, and tranquil, regardless of external circumstances. Peace helps you to maintain balance, harmony, and well-being in your life.

- Faith in God gives you love. Love is the feeling of affection, care, and compassion for yourself and others. Love helps you to build positive relationships, foster teamwork, and serve others.




Developing a winning attitude is not easy, but it is possible with practice and discipline. By following the 7 steps outlined in this blog post, and by relying on faith in God if you choose to do so, you can cultivate a mindset that will help you achieve your goals and overcome challenges.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Faith Over Fear in 2024

As a Christian, you may have many ideas and dreams that you want to pursue, whether it is starting a business, writing a book, launching a ministry, or creating something new. However, you may also face the fear of negative criticism from others, especially those who do not share your faith or vision or those who do not believe that you are capable of doing such a task successfully. How can you deal with this fear and pursue your ideas with confidence and success? In this article, we will explore some biblical principles and practical steps that can help you overcome the fear of negative criticism and pursue your God-given ideas and ventures.


What is Negative Criticism and Why Do We Fear It?


Negative criticism is any feedback or comment that is unfavorable, harsh, or discouraging. It can come from various sources, such as family, friends, colleagues, customers, competitors, or strangers. Negative criticism can be constructive or destructive, depending on the intention and tone of the critic. Constructive criticism is meant to help you improve your work or performance, while destructive criticism is meant to tear you down or discourage you from pursuing your goals.


We may fear negative criticism for various reasons, such as:


- We want to please others and avoid rejection or conflict.

- We doubt our abilities and skills and think that others know better than us.

- We are insecure about our identity and values and think that others' opinions define us.

- We are afraid of failure and think that others' judgments will confirm our worst fears.

- We are proud and think that we are above criticism or correction.


However, as Christians, we need to realize that the fear of negative criticism is not from God, but from the enemy. The Bible tells us that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). The enemy wants to use fear to paralyze us, to prevent us from pursuing our God-given ideas and ventures, and to rob us of our joy and peace. The enemy also wants to use negative criticism to discourage us, to distract us from our purpose, to prevent us from using our God-given talents, and to deceive us into believing lies about ourselves and God.


How Can We Overcome the Fear of Negative Criticism?


The good news is that we can overcome the fear of negative criticism by relying on God's grace and truth. Here are some steps that we can take to overcome this fear and pursue our ideas with confidence and success:


1. Pray for wisdom and guidance. Before you start any venture based on an idea, you need to seek God's will and direction. Ask Him to show you if your idea is from Him if it aligns with His word and His plan for your life, and if it glorifies Him. Ask Him to give you the wisdom to discern between constructive and destructive criticism, and to guide you in making decisions and taking action. Proverbs 3:5-6 says: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths."


2. Validate your idea with research and testing. Before you launch your venture based on an idea, you need to validate your idea with research and testing. You need to find out if there is a market or a need for your idea if there is a demand or an interest for your product or service, if there is a competitive advantage or a unique value proposition for your offer, and if there is a feasible or a profitable way to deliver your solution. You can validate your idea by conducting surveys, interviews, focus groups, experiments, prototypes, or minimum viable products (MVPs). By validating your idea with research and testing, you can reduce the risk of failure, increase the chance of success, and improve the quality of your work.


3. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people. As you pursue your idea and venture, you need to surround yourself with positive and supportive people who share your faith and vision. You need people who will encourage you, pray for you, advise you, mentor you, partner with you, or cheer for you. You also need people who will give you honest and constructive feedback that will help you grow and improve. Also, seek out people who have experience or are professionals in the type of venture that you are pursuing. You can find these people in your church, in your family, in your circle of friends, in your network group, or in your online community. Proverbs 27:17 says: "As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend."


4. Ignore or reject the destructive criticism. As you pursue your idea and venture, you may encounter some destructive criticism from people who are jealous, envious, hostile, ignorant, or malicious. You need to ignore or reject that kind of criticism because it does not help you but only hurts you. You need to remember that these critics do not know you, do not understand you, do not care about you, and do not have your best interest at heart. You need to remember that their opinions do not define you but only reflect their own insecurities and issues. You need to remember that God is the ultimate judge and the final authority and that He loves you, accepts you, and approves you. Psalm 118:6 says: "The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?"


5. Learn from constructive criticism. As you pursue your idea and venture, you may also receive some constructive criticism from people who are knowledgeable, experienced, helpful, or respectful. You need to learn from this kind of criticism because it can help you improve your work or performance. You need to be humble and teachable and be willing to listen and consider the feedback. You need to be open and flexible and be ready to make changes or adjustments. You need to be grateful and appreciative and thank the people who give you constructive criticism. You need to remember that these critics are not your enemies, but your allies. You need to remember that their feedback is not a personal attack, but professional advice. You need to remember that God uses people to speak to us, to correct us, and to refine us. Proverbs 15:31-32 says: "The ear that hears the rebukes of life will abide among the wise. He who disdains instruction despises his own soul, but he who heeds rebuke gets understanding."


6. Trust in God's promises and power. As you pursue your idea and venture, you need to trust in God's promises and power. You need to believe that God is with you, for you, and in you. You need to believe that God has given you the idea, the vision, the passion, the gifts, the talents, the skills, and the resources to pursue your venture. You need to believe that God will provide for you, protect you, guide you, strengthen you, and bless you. You need to believe that God will work all things together for your good and His glory. You need to believe that God will provide you with whatever you need to overcome any obstacles you encounter. You need to believe that God will fulfill His purpose and plan for your life. You need to believe that God will do exceedingly abundantly above all that you ask or think, according to the power that works in you (Ephesians 3:20).




As a Christian, you do not have to fear negative criticism when you pursue your ideas and ventures. You can overcome this fear by relying on God's grace and truth. You can pursue your ideas with confidence and success by following these steps:


- Pray for wisdom and guidance.

- Validate your idea with research and testing.

- Surround yourself with positive and supportive people.

- Ignore or reject destructive criticism.

- Learn from constructive criticism.

- Trust in God's promises and power.


Remember that God has given you a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). Remember that God has called you according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). Remember that God has prepared good works for you to do (Ephesians 2:10). Remember that God can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).


Go ahead, therefore, and pursue your ideas and ventures with wisdom, faith, hope, and love. Remember, with God all things are possible, not some things, and let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16).

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

If We All Came from Adam and Eve, How Come?

One of the most common questions that people have about the biblical account of human origins is: where did the various races come from? If we all came from Adam and Eve, how did we end up with different skin colors, hair types, eye shapes, and other physical features? This is a valid question that deserves a careful answer.

The first thing to note is that the Bible does not use the term "race" to describe human diversity. The Bible speaks of one human race, created in the image of God, with a common ancestry and a common destiny. The Bible also recognizes that humans have different ethnicities, languages, cultures, and nations, but these are not based on biological differences. Rather, they are the result of God's sovereign plan and human history.


The second thing to note is that the Bible teaches that all humans are essentially the same in terms of genetics. We all share the same DNA code, with only minor variations. These variations account for less than 0.1% of our genetic makeup, and they are not enough to create distinct races. In fact, there is more genetic diversity within a single ethnic group than between different ethnic groups.


The third thing to note is that the Bible explains how some of the physical differences among humans arose. After the flood, God confused the languages of the people at Babel and scattered them over the earth (Genesis 11:1-9). This resulted in the formation of different groups that became isolated from each other and developed their own cultures and customs. Over time, these groups also experienced genetic mutations, natural selection, and environmental adaptation, which affected their appearance. For example, some groups developed darker skin to protect them from the sun's rays, while others developed lighter skin to absorb more vitamin D. These changes were not random or accidental, but part of God's design and providence.


The fourth thing to note is that the Bible affirms that all humans are equally valuable and loved by God. God does not show favoritism or partiality based on external appearance (Acts 10:34-35). God created humans with diversity and beauty to reflect His glory and creativity. God also sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for the sins of people from every tribe, tongue, nation, and ethnicity (Revelation 5:9-10). God's ultimate goal is to unite all people in Christ and make them one family in His kingdom (Ephesians 2:11-22).


Therefore, as Christians, we should not judge or discriminate against anyone based on their physical features. We should respect and celebrate the diversity that God has given us. We should also seek to learn from and love people who are different from us. We should remember that we are all one in Christ and share a common origin and destiny.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Ayurveda - Add it to Your Regimen for Benefits

     (This article is the fourth of a five-part series on alternative medicine.)

Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine that originated in India more than 5,000 years ago. It is based on the concept of balance among the five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and ether. Ayurveda aims to promote health and well-being by harmonizing the body, mind, and spirit with the natural environment.


Ayurveda is not only about physical health, but also about mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness. It encompasses various aspects of life, such as diet, lifestyle, hygiene, exercise, meditation, yoga, massage, herbal remedies, and more. Ayurveda believes that each person has a unique constitution or dosha, which determines their physical and psychological characteristics. By understanding one's dosha and following the appropriate guidelines for it, one can achieve optimal health and happiness.


Ayurveda uses a variety of herbs and spices to enhance the flavor, aroma, and health benefits of food. These spices are grounded roots, bark, fruits, flowers, or seeds derived from plants. Some common herbs and spices used in Indian kitchens include turmeric, coriander powder, cumin seeds, ginger, etc.  Some of the most powerful Ayurvedic herbs and spices with their health benefits are:

- Ashwagandha: This is a small woody plant native to India and North Africa. Its root and berries are used to produce a popular Ayurvedic remedy that helps the body manage stress, lower blood sugar levels, and improve sleep, memory, muscle growth, and male fertility. It also reduces inflammation and boosts the immune system.

- Boswellia: This is also known as Indian frankincense or olibanum. It is made from the resin of the Boswellia serrata tree. It has a spicy, woody aroma and anti-inflammatory properties. It may reduce joint pain, enhance oral health, improve digestion, and increase breathing capacity in people with chronic asthma.

- Triphala: This is a combination of three small medicinal fruits: amalaki (Indian gooseberry), bibhitaki (terminalia bellirica), and haritaki (terminalia chebula). It is a potent antioxidant that may lower cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. It also supports digestive health and detoxification.

- Guggul: This is a resin extracted from the Commiphora mukul tree. It has been used for centuries to treat obesity, high cholesterol, arthritis, acne, and thyroid disorders. It may also have anti-cancer effects.

- Cardamom: This is a fragrant spice that comes from the seeds of the Elettaria cardamomum plant. It has a sweet and spicy flavor and may help with digestion, nausea, bad breath, respiratory problems, and urinary tract infections. It may also lower blood pressure and improve blood circulation.


Ayurveda is not a religion, but rather a science of life. It does not conflict with any faith or belief system, but rather complements and enhances them. Ayurveda respects the diversity and individuality of each person and does not impose any rigid rules or dogmas. Ayurveda is compatible with Christianity and any other religion, as it promotes universal values such as love, compassion, peace, and harmony.


Ayurveda is not difficult to practice as it requires no special equipment or ingredients. Ayurveda can be easily incorporated into one's daily routine by making simple changes in one's diet, lifestyle, and habits. For example, one can start the day by drinking warm water with lemon or honey, eating according to one's dosha and season, doing some yoga or breathing exercises, massaging oneself with oil, meditating for a few minutes, and so on. Ayurveda also offers many natural remedies for common ailments such as colds, headaches, indigestion, insomnia, and more.


Ayurveda is similar to other types of traditional medicine such as Chinese medicine or Native American medicine in that they all share a holistic view of health and disease. They all recognize the interconnection between the body, mind, and spirit and the influence of the environment on them. They all use natural methods to prevent and treat illnesses and to promote well-being. However, they also differ in some respects such as their theoretical foundations, diagnostic methods, therapeutic modalities, and cultural contexts. Each system has its own strengths and limitations and one can benefit by learning from each. 

Any information on conditions, illnesses, diseases, remedies, and treatments available via this blog is intended for general guidance only and must never be considered a substitute for the advice provided by your doctor or other qualified healthcare professionals.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Biofeedback Therapy

         (This article is the third of a five-part series on alternative medicine.)

What is quantum biofeedback?

Quantum biofeedback is an interesting technique that uses biofeedback devices to scan and harmonize the body's stresses and imbalances by applying frequency wave patterns. It is based on the idea that all cells in the body vibrate at a specific frequency and emit electromagnetic waves that form a circuit. By measuring the electrical reactions of the body, quantum biofeedback can detect and correct any deviations from the optimal frequency, thus reducing stress and enhancing health. It is both a diagnostic and a treatment modality.


Quantum biofeedback is used for various purposes, such as:

- Identifying and eliminating allergens, bacteria, viruses, parasites, toxins, and other harmful substances from the body

- Balancing the hormones, neurotransmitters, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and other biochemical factors

- Stimulating the immune system and the self-healing abilities of the body

- Relieving pain, inflammation, and muscle tension

- Improving mood, sleep, energy, and mental clarity

- Enhancing spiritual awareness and personal growth


 How is it done?

The type of technology and equipment used for quantum biofeedback depends on the specific device and model. However, most devices use a similar principle of connecting the client to the device using electrodes attached to the head, wrists, and ankles. The device then sends electrical signals to the body and measures the feedback from different organs, systems, and tissues. The device also generates a database of thousands of frequencies that correspond to different substances and conditions. By comparing the feedback from the body with the database, the device can identify any imbalances or stressors and send corrective frequencies to restore harmony.


Quantum biofeedback is not a very popular or reliable method of diagnosis and treatment in mainstream medicine. It is considered an alternative or complementary therapy that lacks scientific evidence and validation. Many critics argue that quantum biofeedback is based on pseudoscience and has no proven efficacy or safety. They also point out that there is no standardization or regulation of quantum biofeedback devices or practitioners. Therefore, quantum biofeedback should not be used as a substitute for conventional medical care or advice.

 How is quantum biofeedback different from other modalities?

One of the most controversial claims of quantum biofeedback is that it can treat someone remotely without physical contact or proximity. Some practitioners claim that they can use quantum biofeedback to access someone's unique energy signature and send healing frequencies to them across any distance or location. There is no scientific basis or evidence for this claim. Some claim that it contradicts the laws of physics and biology and relies on metaphysical concepts that are not measurable or testable. There is also no way to verify or monitor the effects of remote quantum biofeedback on someone's health or well-being. Therefore, this claim should be treated with skepticism and caution.


Quantum biofeedback may have some potential to allow us to self-diagnose and treat ourselves in the future. However, this would require more research, development, regulation, and education on quantum biofeedback technology and practice. It would also require more awareness, acceptance, and responsibility from the users of quantum biofeedback devices.


Currently, quantum biofeedback is not widely available or affordable for most people. The devices are usually expensive and require training and certification to operate. They are also not covered by most insurance plans or healthcare systems. Therefore, quantum biofeedback is mostly accessible to those who can afford it or who seek it out as an alternative option. Anyone interested can visit the website of practitioners where they can read the claims of successes they have had and testimonials of persons who have been treated. Some medical doctors in various countries seem to have become more open to integrating different types of alternative treatments, including quantum biofeedback in their practices, however, it is not widespread.


Will this be the future trend in the diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions?

Interestingly, in the book Divergent, food and supplements were tailored to each individual and delivered to their homes based on their genetic profiles and health needs. Although that is a fictional concept it is thought-provoking. This is an example of personalized medicine, which aims to provide customized care for each person based on their unique characteristics. Biofeedback appears to provide a customized approach to dealing with certain health issues. It leads one to wonder if in the future this type of technology may be developed to the point where individuals will be able to attach themselves to a simple device similar to a laptop and diagnose and treat themselves using it. If that were to happen it would be a great advancement in health management.


Quantum biofeedback may have some similarities with personalized medicine in terms of providing individualized feedback and intervention for each client based on their specific frequency patterns. However, quantum biofeedback is not as advanced or accurate as personalized medicine in terms of using genetic information or other biomarkers to guide diagnosis or treatment. Quantum biofeedback does not involve food or supplements as part of its therapy but those could be incorporated. It will be interesting to see how this technology and its use evolve.

Any information on conditions, illnesses, diseases, remedies, and treatments available via this blog is intended for general guidance only and must never be considered a substitute for the advice provided by your doctor or other qualified healthcare professionals.

Psalm 6: Lord Have Mercy on Us

  “You have led me through the fire, and in darkest night you are close like no other. I've known you as a Father. I've known you ...