Friday, April 12, 2024

Psalm 6: Lord Have Mercy on Us


“You have led me through the fire, and in darkest night you are close like no other. I've known you as a Father. I've known you as a Friend, and I have lived in the goodness of God.” The word of this song comforts me daily as I thank the Lord Jesus for His mercy and goodness. So too the Psalms. The book of Psalms is a treasure trove of heartfelt prayers, praises, and expressions of human emotion. One such poignant Psalm is Psalm 6, a cry of distress and a plea for God’s mercy from David, the king of Israel. This Psalm resonates deeply with us who have experienced times of suffering, pain, or anguish. Let’s examine this Psalm and see how David expresses his feelings.


David’s Cry for Mercy (Verses 1-3)


The Psalm begins with a heartfelt plea from David:

“O Lord, rebuke me not in thine anger, neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure. Have mercy upon me, O Lord; for I am weak: O Lord, heal me; for my bones are vexed. My soul is also sore vexed: but thou, O Lord, how long?” (Psalm 6:1-3, KJV)


In these verses, David acknowledges his weakness and pleads for God’s mercy. He is not asking for what he deserves but is instead appealing to God’s loving-kindness and compassion. David feels overwhelmed by his troubles, both physically (“my bones are vexed”) and emotionally (“my soul is also sore vexed”). Yet, even in the midst of his anguish, he turns to God, asking, “How long?” How often have we, too, cried out to God in times of distress, wondering when will relief come?  In your times of distress cry out to God like our brother David. Remember that if God was to mark iniquity none of us would be worthy because there is none righteous.


David is Calling for Deliverance (Verses 4-5)


David continues his prayer, asking God to intervene and deliver him:

“Return, O Lord, deliver my soul: oh save me for thy mercies' sake. For in death there is no remembrance of thee: in the grave who shall give thee thanks?” (Psalm 6:4-5, KJV)


Here, David pleads for God’s intervention not only for his sake but also for the glory of God. He recognizes that if we are dead, we cannot praise God or bear witness to His goodness. David’s desire is not only to be saved from his troubles but also to continue praising and serving God. This reflects a deep understanding of the purpose of life and the desire to fulfill it despite the challenges he faces. We know that if God intervenes on our behalf, we will have victory, so tell him exactly how you feel.


David Grief-Stricken Plea (Verses 6-7)


The Psalm takes a more personal and emotional turn in these verses:

“I am weary with my groaning; all the night make I my bed to swim; I water my couch with my tears. Mine eye is consumed because of grief; it waxeth old because of all mine enemies.” (Psalm 6:6-7, KJV)


David vividly describes his anguish, saying that his bed is soaked with tears and his eyes are consumed with grief. The intensity of his suffering is palpable. This raw and honest expression of pain serves as a reminder that it is okay to bring our true feelings and emotions before God. He understands our pain and is always ready to listen to our cries. Yes, the Lord Jesus knows how you feel, He knows your pain, so put all your cares and concerns to Him.


David Seeking Assurance of God’s Hearing (Verses 8-10)

In the final verses of Psalm 6, David expresses confidence in God’s response to his prayers:

“Depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity; for the Lord hath heard the voice of my weeping. The Lord hath heard my supplication; the Lord will receive my prayer. Let all mine enemies be ashamed and sore vexed: let them return and be ashamed suddenly.” (Psalm 6:8-10, KJV)


David declares that God has heard his cries and will receive his prayers. He trusts in God’s justice and righteousness, believing that his enemies will be put to shame. This affirmation of God’s goodness and righteousness provides David with comfort and assurance amidst his distress. Yes, we know the Lord hears our cry, so cry and trust Him.




Psalm 6 serves as a powerful reminder that it is okay to bring our pain, suffering, and distress before God. David’s heartfelt plea for mercy, his cry for deliverance, and his raw expression of grief resonates with many who have experienced the depths of human suffering. Even in his anguish, David turns to God, finding hope and comfort in His mercy, compassion, and justice.


As we journey through life’s challenges, let us turn to God in our times of distress, trusting in His unfailing love and finding hope in His promises. Psalm 6 encourages us to be honest with God about our struggles, to trust in His goodness, and to find comfort in His presence, even when the road ahead seems dark. Let us take comfort in David’s words and find hope in the assurance that God hears our cries, receives our prayers, and is always ready to extend His mercy, grace, and love to us.

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Psalm 6: Lord Have Mercy on Us

  “You have led me through the fire, and in darkest night you are close like no other. I've known you as a Father. I've known you ...