Thursday, January 11, 2024

Does God Exist? Is the Bible True? Can Our Faith Survive?

 In a world where many voices are trying to undermine the Christian faith, how can believers stay strong and confident in their relationship with God? How can they avoid being influenced by the negativity and doubt that surrounds them? How can they deal with their own questions and struggles when they face difficulties in life? These are some of the challenges that Christians face in the modern age, and they require wisdom, discernment, and courage to overcome.


One of the first things that Christians need to do is to be grounded in the truth of God's word. The Bible is not a human invention, but a divine revelation that reveals who God is, what He has done, and what He promises to do. The Bible is the ultimate authority for our faith and practice, and it is the source of our hope and joy. The Bible is not a book of myths or legends, but a book of history and prophecy that confirms the reality of God's existence, the deity of Jesus Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit. The Bible is not a book of rules or regulations, but a book of love and grace that shows us how to live in a way that pleases God and blesses others.


Therefore, Christians need to read, study, meditate and memorize the Bible regularly. They need to apply its teachings to their lives and obey its commands. They need to pray over its promises and claim them by faith. They need to share its message with others and defend it against attacks. They need to love the Bible as God's word and treasure it as their most precious possession.


Another thing that Christians need to do is to be connected to the body of Christ. The church is not a human organization, but a divine institution that represents God's presence and purpose in the world. The church is not a social club or a religious ritual, but a spiritual family and a mission force. The church is not a place or a program, but a people and a movement. The church is not an option or an accessory, but a necessity and a priority for every believer.


Therefore, Christians need to be involved in a local church that teaches sound doctrine, practices biblical worship, fosters loving fellowship, promotes godly service, and engages in faithful witness. They need to submit to the leadership of their pastors and elders, support the ministry of their deacons and teachers, encourage the growth of their brothers and sisters, and welcome the diversity of their guests and visitors. They need to participate in the public gatherings and the small groups of their church, contribute their time, talents, and treasures to its work, seek its counsel, correction, and comfort in times of need, and celebrate its joys and sorrows as one body.


A third thing Christians need to do is be filled with the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit is not a force or an influence, but a person whom Jesus sent to be our Comforter. The Holy Spirit is not an addition or an improvement, but an essential and indispensable part of our salvation. The Holy Spirit is not a temporary or an occasional gift, but a permanent and ongoing presence in our lives. The Holy Spirit is not a source of confusion or division, but an agent of clarity and unity among God's people.


Therefore, Christians need to yield to the control and guidance of the Holy Spirit daily. They need to confess their sins and repent of their rebellion against Him. They need to ask for His filling and empowerment for every situation they face. They need to listen to His voice and follow His direction through His word. They need to cultivate His fruit and exercise His gifts for His glory. They need to acknowledge His sovereignty and cooperate with His work in their lives.


These are some ways Christians can maintain their beliefs, faith, and trust in God in a hostile world. They can avoid all the negativity by focusing on the positivity of God's word, God's people, and God's Spirit. They can also read those articles or watch videos that question or challenge their faith with discernment and confidence, knowing that God's truth will always prevail over human error. When they are struggling in life and questioning their own beliefs, they can turn to God in prayer, seek His help through His word, find support from His people, and rely on His grace through His Spirit.


God has not left us alone or defenseless in this world. He has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him (2 Peter 1:3). He has promised to never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). He has assured us that nothing can separate us from His love (Romans 8:38-39). He has guaranteed us that He who began a good work in us will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6).


Let us therefore hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful (Hebrews 10:23).

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