Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Don't go Naked! Dress for Success as a Christian Warrior

It appears you are under attack from the devil, everything is just going wrong. Oh my God! You feel like the whole world is against you and you just cannot get a break.

How do you overcome this feeling? How do you change your reaction and gradually rebound?

There is no other way than to begin again, to trust in the word of God regardless of how you feel. Your reaction must be to focus on God's power and not on your own strength. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6: 12)

Know Your Enemy

The fight is real but to have the victory we must know who we are fighting. We should have the mindset that we are not fighting people, we are fighting the spirit that is in them and controlling their minds.

Principalities - means the cultures that govern people, towns, or cities.

Powers - the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the courses of events.

Rulers of Darkness - These rulers of darkness are individuals under the influence of the devil, who are in positions of leadership or influence and practice spiritual wickedness.  

                                                        Steps for Victory

First, you must pray and, in your prayer, acknowledge exactly how you feel and ask the Lord to help you overcome your feeling of despair. He may do it immediately or overtime but never stop praying and believing regardless of how you feel.

Now this is very important, you must remember that you are in a spiritual war with the devil who is trying to take control of your mind, to cause you to lose hope and walk away from the Lord. That should not be your reaction. Never, never give up.


How to Dress for Success as a Christian

To eventually have the victory and completely change your life you must put on “the whole armor of God.”

The phrase "the whole armor of God" comes from Ephesians 6:10-18, where the apostle Paul instructs Christians to be strong in the Lord and to stand against the schemes of the devil. He then lists seven pieces of armor that believers should wear: the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit and prayer.


To put on the whole armor of God means to apply these spiritual realities to our lives and to rely on them in our daily battles against sin and temptation. It means to live in the truth of God's word, to pursue holiness and integrity, to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others, to trust God's promises and power, to rejoice in our salvation and hope, and to wield the word of God as a weapon against the lies and accusations of the enemy.


Putting on the whole armor of God is not a one-time act, but a continual process of growth and maturity in Christ. It requires prayer, study, obedience, and dependence on the Holy Spirit. It also involves recognizing our weaknesses and vulnerability and seeking God's help and protection. As we put on the whole armor of God, we can resist the devil and stand firm in our faith. We need to have a firm mindset that with the Lord on our side victory is guaranteed.


To put on the whole armor of God means to live in the power and protection of everything that God has done for us in Christ. It is a way of resisting the devil's schemes and standing firm in our faith. The Bible describes six pieces of armor that we can wear spiritually:


Put Your Armor on for Success


One of the most powerful metaphors in the Bible is the image of the Christian as a soldier who puts on the whole armor of God. But what does it mean to put on the whole armor of God? And what are the different pieces of armor that cover the vital organs of the soldier's body?


- The belt of truth: The belt was a vital part of the Roman soldier's equipment, as it held his tunic together and supported his sword and other weapons. The belt of truth represents our commitment to honesty and integrity, as well as our adherence to God's word. It helps us to avoid deception and hypocrisy and to stand firm in what we believe.


- The breastplate of righteousness: The breastplate was a piece of armor that protected the soldier's chest, where his heart and lungs were located. The breastplate of righteousness represents our moral purity and obedience to God's commands. It helps us to guard our hearts from sin and temptation, and to live in a way that pleases God.


- The shoes of readiness: The shoes were essential for the soldier's mobility and stability, as they enabled him to march long distances and to stand firm on any terrain. The shoes of readiness represent our readiness to share the gospel of peace with others, as well as our peace with God and with ourselves. They help us to walk in God's will and to stand firm in his grace.


- The shield of faith: The shield was a large and sturdy piece of equipment that covered most of the soldier's body. It was used to deflect arrows and other projectiles that were thrown or shot at him. The shield of faith represents our trust in God's promises and power, as well as our protection from the attacks of the enemy. It helps us to quench the fiery darts of doubt, fear, and accusation that Satan throws at us. It is believing and doing the word of GOD.


- The helmet of salvation: The helmet was a piece of armor that protected the soldier's head, where his brain was located. The helmet of salvation represents our assurance of salvation and our hope in Christ. It helps us to protect our minds from doubt, despair, and distraction, and to focus on our eternal destiny. We must believe and know that we are saved regardless of our circumstances.


- The sword of the Spirit: The sword was the only offensive weapon in the soldier's arsenal. It was used to strike and wound the enemy in close combat. The sword of the Spirit represents the word of God, which is sharper than any double-edged sword. It helps us to fight against the enemy with God's truth and wisdom, and to expose his lies and schemes.

Prayer is also an important weapon and means of protection for Christians. We are to pray without ceasing. We should pray for ourselves, our: family, relatives, friends, colleagues, community, country, leaders, and the church.


Praying for Success 


As Christians, we are called to pray for all people, especially for our fellow believers. Prayer is a powerful weapon that can bring God's will and blessing to the church. But how can we pray effectively for the church? Here are some biblical principles to guide us:

Pray always, pray in the Spirit, pray with perseverance, and pray with supplication. This shows how vital prayer is in our lives, we must face our daily battles with prayer which will uplift our spirit and help to fortify our internal resolve.


To put on the whole armor of God means to appropriate each piece by faith and prayer, and to use them daily in our spiritual battles. It also means to depend on God's strength and not on our own, as Paul says in verse 10: "Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power." By putting on the whole armor of God, we can resist the devil, stand firm in our faith, and advance God's kingdom.

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