Wednesday, March 6, 2024

How to maintain a Healthy Lifestyle as a Christian through Faith and Fitness!

Sickness does not care whether you are a Christian or not. Many Christians are battling Diabetes, Hypertension, obesity, cancer, and many other illnesses. This requires us to seriously take better care of our health.

We all know many Christians who are battling with chronic illnesses.  We need to be proactive in taking better care of our health.  This can be accomplished through a combination of education, prayer, diet, fitness, and lifestyle choices.

 We All Age


Let us recognize that aging is a natural process that affects all living organisms. It is characterized by a gradual decline in the function and structure of various biological systems, such as the immune system, the cardiovascular system, the nervous system, and the musculoskeletal system. Aging can also increase the risk of developing chronic diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and osteoporosis.

This means as we age, we must adjust how we approach our health. Our habits need to change, this requires commitment and discipline. We have the habit of overeating, eating a lot of fast food, not eating a balanced diet, consuming a lot of sugary drinks, and not getting enough exercise and rest.


Knowledge is Power


When we age there are Cellular and Molecular Changes that can lead to cellular aging and an increased risk of DNA damage. We experience Decreased Immune Function, the immune system tends to weaken with age, making older individuals more susceptible to infections and illnesses.  Chronic inflammation tends to increase with age, and this low-grade inflammation is associated with various age-related diseases such as cardiovascular disease, arthritis, and neurodegenerative disorders.


There is Hormonal Changes, often involving changes in hormone levels. For example, menopause in women and andropause in men are associated with hormonal fluctuations that can impact bone density, muscle mass, and overall well-being. There are Metabolic Changes, including a decrease in metabolic rate and changes in body composition. This can contribute to weight gain and an increased risk of conditions like diabetes.


Over time, the body accumulates damage from various sources, including exposure to environmental toxins, UV radiation, and oxidative stress. This damage can affect organs and tissues, contributing to age-related diseases. Many organs and tissues undergo age-related changes in structure and function. For example, the heart may become less efficient, the kidneys may experience reduced filtration capacity, and the lungs may lose some elasticity.


Poor lifestyle choices such as a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption can accelerate the aging process and increase the risk of age-related diseases. The aging brain undergoes structural and functional changes, leading to cognitive decline and an increased risk of neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer's disease.


While aging is a natural and unavoidable process, adopting a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, a balanced diet, and avoiding harmful habits, can help mitigate some of the negative effects and promote better overall health as individuals age. Additionally, advances in medical research and healthcare can contribute to improved management of age-related conditions.


Let's Explore How Faith and Fitness Can Work Together to Promote a Healthier Lifestyle.


For our health to improve we should ensure that we maintain a daily prayer life, we should ask the Lord to strengthen us and give us the discipline to eat a balanced diet and exercise daily. Then schedule the time to exercise and commit to reducing fast food and eating a balanced diet.


I have been battling hypertension, diabetes, and obesity for years. I have been praying for healing for years while taking a lot of medication. The truth is my greatest challenge has been discipline. I was not disciplined enough so my eating habits were poor, and I was not getting sufficient exercise.


In August of 2023, I finally decided to make some serious changes in my lifestyle. I decided that I wanted to live healthier and since nothing changes until I change. I decided to change. I decided to reduce the quantity of food I eat daily, drink at least 8 glasses of fluid daily, and exercise at least 3 times for 1 hour weekly. I started by eating my first meal at 11 am and eating my last meal no later than 8 pm daily. I eliminated one meal daily and for my meals, I am now eating a better portion size, I have reduced my carbohydrates and increased my vegetables.


I go to the gym a minimum of 3 times weekly for 1 hour each time. Where I ride the bike for 30 minutes and then lift some weights to build muscle. My ideal body weight should be a maximum of 160 lbs. I have been weighing 250 lbs. for years. Since I started in August 2023 my weight went down to 224 lb. I lost 26 lbs. I am striving to attain 160 lbs. and hopefully reduce the amount of medication I am taking.


I have basically stopped consuming sugary drinks. I now drink mostly fruit fusion water, by blending fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, or apples. This is a good way of changing the taste of just plain water. Adjusting to these changes takes time, determination, and patience, especially with yourself is required. Prayer is crucial, please keep praying,


Continue to ask the Lord Jesus to heal, strengthen, and keep you doing the things beneficial for your health. as we have committed ourselves to live a holistic life that includes a balanced diet, prayer, meditation, and exercise. Consistency is the key, we will mess up sometimes but do not stop, doing it is for your health and your benefit.


"Imagine a lifestyle where prayer and fitness feed off each other, promoting overall well-being." This is the holistic approach we're talking about. Imagine starting your day with a prayer - a moment of solitude to connect with your faith and set the tone for the day. It's a serene experience that calms your mind and prepares you for what lies ahead.


You schedule your time for exercise, based on your daily activities, I go to the gym after work around 7.30 pm. Find time to walk, run, ride, garden go to the gym, do something to incorporate exercise in your daily activity, just do it. This is where you challenge your body, push your limits, and feel the rush of endorphins that follow a good workout. Now, here's the magic. The peace from your prayer session and the energy from your workout don't exist in isolation. They complement each other. Your prayer sessions could give you the mental strength to push through your workouts, and your fitness routine could enhance your focus during prayer.


"So, what are the key takeaways?" Let's recap. Dedication and consistency are vital in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Incorporating prayer and fitness into your daily routine can promote balance and overall well-being. "Remember, a healthy lifestyle is a journey, not a destination."

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