Friday, March 15, 2024

Who God Blesses No Man Can Curse


You know, sometimes you'll run into folks who seem dead set on disliking or even attacking you, and you can't quite put your finger on why. It could be someone at work, in your community, or even within your own family. It's like they are competing with you, even though you're not competing with them at all. They've got issues with your work ethic, your personality, your appearance, your kindness, or maybe something else entirely. Ever had encounters with people like that? They might even go as far as spreading lies and rumors about you. It's almost as if you're their main target, especially when things seem to be going well for you. It makes you wonder if they're being used as pawns by the devil, trying to tear you down, doesn't it?

Look at the story of Balak and Balaam in the Old Testament, for instance. Balak, the king of Moab, wanted to curse the Israelites as they journeyed through his lands. He got this diviner named Balaam involved, thinking he could bring down curses upon them. But here's the kicker: Balaam couldn't do it. Despite all of Balak's efforts and promises, Balaam found himself unable to curse the Israelites. Instead, he was compelled by God to bless them. It's like he said, "God's not like us, changing His mind all the time. Once He decides to bless, that's it. No one can change it."


This just goes to show you how God's blessings are rock-solid. Once He decides to favor someone, there's no human force that can undo it, no matter how powerful or influential they think they are. Remember Job? He went through some serious trials, allowed by God Himself. Even Satan with all his tricks couldn't take Job's life without God's say-so (Job 2:6). It's a clear sign that God's got the final say over blessings and curses.


Jesus backs this up in the New Testament, in the Gospel of Matthew. He tells His followers not to worry about those who can only hurt the body but can't touch the soul. Instead, they should fear the One who can kill both body and soul and cast them into hell. He even points out how God keeps tabs on every little sparrow, making sure not a single one falls without His knowing. His message? If you're under God's protection, you don't have to sweat the schemes or curses of mere mortals.


So, take strength from God's word. His blessings aren't just feel-good sentiments; they're the real deal, showing His unwavering commitment to His people. When life gets tough, know that His blessings and protection are as steady as a rock. Even when storms rage and enemies gather, those walking in God's favor have nothing to fear. As the Bible states, "If God's on our side, who can stand against us?" (Romans 8:31).


Psalm 27 backs this up too, with the Psalmist boldly declaring God as their light and salvation. They're not afraid of anyone or anything, even when enemies come knocking. Remember, God's got your back too, just like He promised Abraham. He pledged to bless him and curse anyone who tried to curse him. That assurance is like a shield against any negativity that comes your way.

Psalm 27: 1-3, "The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid?  When the wicked advance against me to devour me, it is my enemies and my foes who will stumble and fall. Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then I will be confident."


When folks start coming at you for no reason, it might be due to projection. They may be projecting their insecurities onto you, feeling threatened by your success or traits they wish they had. Jealousy could be at play also, especially if they see you thriving in areas they struggle with. Sometimes it's just a misunderstanding, or maybe they're caught up in some social power struggle. Sadly, bias and prejudice can rear their ugly heads, based on race, appearance, or other factors. Sometimes too, personalities just don't mesh, leading to conflicts where there shouldn't be any.


Dealing with these situations calls for empathy, communication, and setting boundaries to keep relationships healthy. While the exact phrase might not be in the Bible word-for-word, its essence echoes throughout scripture. Remember, "Who God blesses no one can curse."


When you find yourself under attack, lean on prayer and let God shield you. Don't let bitterness take root, instead, pray for those who come against you. Keep your distance if needed, but always stay vigilant. Above all, trust in God to lead you and give you the courage to shine His light wherever you go. Let your life be a blessing to others, and let God's purpose for you shine bright. All glory to Him!

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