Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Unraveling Mysteries: A Biblical Perspective of Dreams




Recently, I had a dream that someone I knew was being attacked. It was so vivid and realistic that I was shaken.  I called the person to find out how they were doing and without telling the dream, I found out that a neighbor had attacked him. I did not mention the dream as I was not sure if I should. Dreams have always been intriguing and perplexing to our minds. This has resulted in persons trying to figure out if their dreams are real or if they are just the result of their imaginations at work. There are persons who have businesses built around the interpretation of other people’s dreams for a fee. People use dreams to determine many things such as what lottery numbers they should buy and what actions they should take in situations they face. There are cultural influences attached to dreams also and some people take them seriously to the extent that their mood and activities are affected.


Dreams play a significant role in the Bible, serving as a means for God to communicate and reveal things to people. Two examples that stand out are when Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's dreams and when Daniel was able to tell King Nebuchadnezzar the meaning of his dreams. The Bible gives several instances where dreams had clear-cut and significant meanings. It is necessary to examine the significance of dreams in the context of Christianity. Some people believe that dreams are merely subconscious reflections during sleep and carry no deeper spiritual implications. Others believe differently.


We grapple with the question of whether or not it is appropriate for Christians to seek interpretation or understanding of their dreams from other people. Let's take a look at these points of view and questions to see what insights we can gain from dreams.


The Importance of Dreams in the Bible:


Dreams as portrayed in the Bible are not merely products of the subconscious mind of the dreamer but were often regarded as a means through which God communicated with His people. Numbers 12:6,” And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the Lord will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.” Both the Old and New Testaments portray dreams as a way used by God to deliver messages, offer guidance, and give prophecy. For instance, in the book of Genesis, Joseph's dreams not only foretold his future leadership but also played a critical role in the fulfillment of God's plan for the nation of Israel.


Dreams also served as a way to convey God's instructions and warnings. The prophet Daniel, for example, was gifted with the ability to interpret dreams, enabling him to unravel the hidden meanings behind Nebuchadnezzar's perplexing visions. Daniel was very careful to make it known that the interpretations he gave were not from his own abilities but from Almighty God. Through Daniel's interpretations, God revealed His rulership over earthly kingdoms and foretold future events, demonstrating the profound significance of dreams. To this day many are still trying to interpret some aspects of these dreams and visions. Daniel’s Seventy Weeks Prophecy is one of the most written about and discussed prophecies of the Bible.


In the Bible, dreams often serve as a means of encouragement and reassurance to believers facing adversity. In the New Testament, Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, was guided by God through dreams, in which He instructed him to protect the infant Jesus from Herod's raging anger and search to kill Him. God told Him to take the baby Jesus and his mother Mary to Egypt and He later told him to return home after Herod had died. Similarly, the apostle Paul received a vision in a dream, prompting him to journey to Macedonia and spread the Gospel, highlighting the role of dreams in directing believers in their walk with Christ. In doing so Paul became known as the apostle to the Gentiles. Although the eleven disciples chose Matthias to replace Judas (Acts of the Apostles 1:21-26), the twelfth apostle, Paul was the one chosen by God.


Matthew 27:19 tells us that when Jesus was facing trial before he was crucified, Pontius Pilate’s wife had a dream about the trial that her husband was presiding over. She told her husband about it and in the end, Pilate symbolically washed his hands of the decision of the Jews to crucify Jesus. They knew that Jesus was innocent of the charges brought against him.


Some Takeaways for Christians:


The dreams found in the Bible offer valuable lessons and insights into God's character and His plans for us. Firstly, dreams underscore the all-powerful and all-knowing nature of God, revealing His ability to communicate with His people through various means to accomplish His purpose. They remind us that God is actively involved in our lives, guiding us and imparting wisdom through supernatural means. In many of the dreams, God gave specific instructions. There was no need for interpretation. God told Jacob in a dream, “Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you into a great nation there. I will go down with you to Egypt, and I will also bring you back” (Genesis 46:3-4).


At other times interpretation of a dream was needed. In Judges 7:13-14,” Gideon arrived just as a man was telling a friend his dream. ‘I had a dream,’ he was saying, ‘A round loaf of barley bread came tumbling into the Midianite camp. It struck the tent with such force that the tent overturned and collapsed.’” The man’s friend told him that the dream meant that God had given Midian and the entire camp into the hand of Gideon.


Secondly, we should be careful who we share our dreams with and how we share them.  Sharing our dreams can get us into trouble with others even if it is not done in a boastful way. Joseph's dreams while he was still a young boy got him into trouble with his brothers. Even his father was not pleased when he told his dream about the moon and the sun bowing down to him.  Israel interpreted that to mean that His wife and he would bow down to Joseph. The rest of the story shows how it all worked out according to God’s plan although Joseph went through several sufferings and tribulations. Not every dream is to be shared.


Thirdly, dreams serve as a reminder of the spiritual battles that believers face. In the book of Ephesians, Paul exhorts Christians to put on the full armor of God to withstand the schemes of the devil. Dreams can often be a battleground for spiritual warfare, where believers may encounter demonic influences seeking to deceive or discourage them. Discernment and prayer are therefore essential for interpreting dreams in alignment with God's truth and rejecting any false or deceptive messages. It is important to note that the interpretation of dreams or visions was only done by persons when God gave them the ability to do so.

Moreover, some people believe that dreams can provide insights into one's spiritual journey and relationship with God. They feel that through our dreams hidden fears, desires, or unresolved issues that require attention and prayer may be revealed. Some also believe that the themes, numbers, and symbols present in dreams, can give a deeper understanding of a person’s spiritual state, and can be used to discern God's guidance for their life.


Seeking Interpretation of Our Dreams


Some Christians argue that seeking the interpretation of dreams can open the door to superstition, demonic forces, or reliance on human wisdom. Others believe that God can use individuals gifted with the ability to interpret dreams to carry out His purposes. We need to ensure that we do not allow ourselves to be drawn into the devil’s snares while seeking to understand the meaning of our dreams. It is also possible that some dreams have no real significance. Ecclesiastes 5:3, “For a dream cometh through the multitude of business; and a fool's voice is known by multitude of words.” You may have had some of those and there may be others that left you perplexed as you knew that they had significance.


As Christians, we need to approach the interpretation of dreams with discernment and reliance on biblical truth. Seeking advice from our pastors, spiritual leaders, or mature believers, who are grounded in scripture can provide valuable insights and guidance in discerning the meaning of dreams. However, it is crucial to test interpretations against the principles outlined in God's Word and to pray for wisdom and discernment.


The interpretations given for dreams in the bible were not always favorable. Of course, no one wants to have an unfavorable dream. Man is not in control however, God is.  Nebuchadnezzar’s dream about a huge, magnificent tree that was cut down was a warning of his downfall and was interpreted by Daniel. The fact that the king was troubled by the dream is an indication that he knew it was not a favorable dream. This was God’s judgment on him because of his pride. Daniel 4:31-32 shows that he went mad, roamed about like a wild animal, and ate grass for seven years. When he acknowledged and turned to God he was restored to his right mind.


Furthermore, we should be cautious about placing too much emphasis on dreams or using them as the only basis for decision-making. While dreams can offer valuable insights, they should always be viewed in light of scripture and subjected to prayerful consideration. Since it is the Lord Who says that He will talk to us through dreams. He will also ensure that we have the interpretations of the dreams that He has given us. When you have perplexing dreams, you should ask the Giver of dreams to give you an understanding of them. If it is from Him, you will get the understanding. He may reveal it to you directly or through an interpreter.



Dreams in the Bible serve as evidence of God's faithfulness, rulership, and desire to communicate with us. They offer clear insights into His mysteries, provide guidance and encouragement, and reveal the spiritual realities at play in our lives. While interpreting dreams may be complicated, we can approach them with discernment, prayer, and from the perspective of biblical truth. We should not allow ourselves to be too deeply entrenched in getting dreams and in seeking interpretations that we find favorable.


Ultimately, dreams are a means of communication from God to us therefore He will always give us the understanding of the dream. Otherwise, the communication would have failed. By learning from the lessons and insights from dreams in the Bible, we can deepen our faith, strengthen our relationship with God, and walk confidently in His purposes for our lives.

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