Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Chosen Ones Endure Much Suffering


Who are the Chosen Ones?


How can you be favored but suffering? Jesus stated in Matthew 22:14, “For many are called, but few are chosen”. To be chosen implies that you are set apart in an exclusive group. It also implies that you will receive special treatment. However, when one digs deeper into this topic it becomes clear that individuals in this group called the chosen will be targeted and attacked by evil forces.  They will have to endure a lot of suffering and hardship as a result of that. How strange! In Isaiah 55:8, through the prophet, God stated that his ways are not our ways and 1 Corinthians 3:19 shows that our wisdom is foolishness to God.


God calls many people. He has called all men to repent but He has chosen a few to carry out specific tasks. For example, He chose the twelve disciples to start the church and He chose Joseph to go to Egypt to take care of the children of Israel during the famine. The Lord told Israel, that He did not call them because they were special but that He chose them. God does not necessarily choose individuals based on merit or abilities. Moses felt that he was not worthy and that he could not speak well. Israel was a deceiver and Paul a murderer. However, when God chooses you, His Holy Spirit captures your mind and draws you to Him and you surrender your will to do His will. This is what is required of the chosen few.



The Burden of Being Chosen: Suffering and Struggles


When you look back at your life do you appear to be different from others? From as far back as childhood you may have appeared to be different. You may have been drawn to God and His creation in a way that is different from others. The people you have interacted with at different stages of your life always seem to find you a bit different. You may even have been targeted and attacked consistently. This may mean that you are a chosen one.


You can figure out if you're one of the chosen by taking a good look at your heart and your life. Do you feel a strong pull to serve God and do what He wants? Are you trying to live in a way that makes Him look good in everything you do? Do you feel like God's guiding you along the way? If you're nodding along, chances are you're one of the chosen ones.


Being chosen means you're picked out by God for something special. What that something is can be different for everyone, but it usually involves spreading His message of love and hope, shining bright in a world that can be pretty dark, and showing kindness and mercy to folks who need it most. It's like being God's ambassador, making sure His love gets spread far and wide. In John 15:16 Jesus stated, “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit - fruit that will last - and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.” This verse clearly shows who chooses the chosen.


Being chosen isn't all rainbows and sunshine. It often means facing tough times that put your faith and endurance to the test. Just think about biblical heroes like Job or Joseph - their stories are full of hardships. Job lost everything he had, got sick, and even his friends turned against him. Joseph was thrown into a pit by his brothers, sold into slavery, and ended up in prison for something he didn't do. Through it all, they kept on going, knowing that God had a plan for them. You too should persevere and be encouraged by what Jesus said in John 6:44, “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day.” Whatever hardship you are undergoing is only for a season.


Now, think about your own tough times. Maybe you've felt like giving up or that you'd never bounce back. It's tough, right? But here's the thing - even when it feels like the world is against you, being chosen means your struggles aren't for nothing. They actually bring you closer to God and help you grow stronger. In the end, they show you what your purpose really is and give you the strength to keep going, no matter what.



Why Do Chosen Ones Suffer Many Trials?


Chosen ones often endure numerous trials and tribulations because of the opposition they face from the forces of darkness. Spiritual warfare is not a figment of one's imagination, it is real! The enemy seeks to thwart God's plans by attacking those who are chosen to carry them out. Additionally, trials serve to refine and strengthen the faith of the chosen ones, molding them into vessels fit for the Master's use. Through suffering, they learn to rely on God's strength and provision, drawing closer to Him in the process.


Agents of the devil, opposed to the kingdom of God and His purposes, who target chosen ones may manifest as spiritual forces of darkness, worldly influences, or even persons who are used as instruments of the enemy's schemes. Their goal is to hinder the chosen ones' effectiveness in carrying out God's will and to undermine their faith and resolve. When you are serving God and doing what is right and you are continually being bombarded left, right, and center this may be because the enemy recognizes that you are chosen, wants to deter you, and claim you for himself.


The devil is not sitting down waiting for you to make a mistake. He is constantly seeking to get to you as stated in 1 Peter 5:8-10, “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.” You should not be passive, therefore, you need to be alert so that you will not fall prey to him through his schemes.



Embracing the Journey of the Chosen


In Matthew 22:14, Jesus reminds us of the tough road that comes with being chosen. It's no walk in the park, that's for sure. But despite the challenges, being chosen gives life a real sense of purpose and meaning. Even when things get tough, those who are chosen can find comfort in knowing that God's got their back every step of the way. They stay strong in their faith, knowing they're on a mission that's bigger than themselves. They can read scripture verses for reassurance about what God has said. For example, Ephesians 1:4-6, “For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will - to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.


If you're one of the chosen, live your life with gusto, always aiming to do what God wants. Take time to think things through and listen to that little voice inside you - that's the Holy Spirit nudging you in the right direction. Sure, there will be bumps in the road, but there will also be moments of pure joy and blessings straight from above. Trust that God has a plan for you, lean on His strength, and follow His lead.


Even when life throws curveballs, remember that being chosen brings its own kind of happiness. Keep your eyes on the big picture - your struggles won't last forever, but the rewards waiting for you in heaven sure will. Take joy in knowing that you're doing exactly what God has called you to do and making a lasting impact for His kingdom.


Remember, being chosen means you've got some rewards coming your way. You can count on God to keep His word and guide you through every twist and turn. And when it's all said and done, picture yourself hearing those wonderful words from God Himself: "Well done, good and faithful servant." That's the ultimate reward, waiting for you for all eternity.

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