Thursday, March 28, 2024

Are You Humble or Impertinent to God? Understanding True Humility in Light of Scriptures


In the world of Christian values, humility is often praised as one of the most important virtues. What is the meaning of a sense of humility? It is the feeling or attitude that you have no special importance that makes you better than others. Many talks, lessons, and encouragements stress how crucial humility is for people who follow Jesus. It makes sense because humility was a big part of Jesus' character. Sometimes, in trying so hard to be humble, do we miss the point and end up hurting our relationship with God?


The greatest display of humility was shown by the Great God and Savior Jesus Christ who humbled Himself to the cross. Philippians 2:5-8, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:  And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.”


When God robed Himself in a body of flesh and subjected Divinity to humanity, that took great humility. He humbled Himself to all the verbal and physical abuses by the religious leaders/ He could have called ten thousand angels, but He humbled Himself to complete the task of saving you and me. God who knows all things humbled Himself to be touched with the feelings of our infirmities so that He became acquainted with our griefs and now in every area. He is now familiar with how we feel. He is now touched by the feelings of our infirmities. He has now become our example of humility.  


We've all been told since we were young children to be humble. What does it mean to be a humble person? A humble person is not proud and does not believe that they are better than other people. We are not to brag about ourselves, and to push away compliments. We are told to act like we're not that important in the bigger picture of things. This can result in a lack of confidence and even being confident in a false sense of humility. It can also lead us to question God. While being humble is good, could it be that when we try to act humble in front of others, we're not showing respect to God?


The Bible has a lot to say about humility and how important it is for people who believe in God. Let's take a closer look at what the Bible says to understand the true meaning of humility and how it is different when we are humble in front of people compared to being humble in front of God. What sounds humble to God may sound boastful to man. If someone were to say they are a child of God or a saint of God some may question their declaration.



Misunderstandings About Being Humble: Are We Disrespecting God?


Sometimes, in our efforts to seem humble, we end up putting ourselves down too much. This can show a lack of respect towards God. When we constantly talk ourselves down and act like we're not worth much, we might be forgetting that God made us special and loves us as His children. His word, the bible, also tells us who we are in Him and who we are to Him. Who are we to say otherwise? In 1 Corinthians 15:10, the Apostle Paul stated that God’s grace which was placed upon him was not in vain. He was acknowledging that although he was not capable God made him capable of doing what was required of him.


Let's take a look at the story of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30. There's a servant who gets a talent from his master but hides it because he's scared and doesn't believe in himself. In the end, the master doesn't praise him for being humble. Instead, he gets in trouble for not having faith and using what he was given.


Similarly, when Moses hesitated to follow God's plan because he didn't think he was good enough, God didn't say, "Good job for being humble, Moses!" Instead, God encouraged him and gave him the strength and help to do what he was asked. As related in Exodus 4:10, Moses was reluctant because he felt that he was not an eloquent speaker. These stories show us that trying to be humble and not believing God or saying that we are not good enough can stop us from doing what God wants us to do. This will then cause us to be disobedient and not please God.



Understanding True Humility: Surrendering to God with Respect


Real humility, as we see in the Bible, isn't about thinking we're not worth much or pretending we're not good at anything. If God has given you a special gift or characteristic there is no reason to deny it, as long as it does not cause you to be proud and boastful. Instead, it's about knowing that we need God for everything and following His plans with respect and wonder.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says we should trust God with everything we have and not just rely on what we understand. We should remember Him in everything we do. If the word of God says you are a saint or that you are chosen as a part of the church and His bride, then you are.


Also, Philippians 2:3-4, talks about not doing things just to make ourselves look good or important. Instead, we should think about others more than ourselves and care about what they need. True humility means being ready to help others and make God proud in everything we do.



Humility Before Man Versus Humility Before God


There exists a crucial distinction between humility as perceived by man and humility as understood in the context of our relationship with God. Humility before man often involves outward displays of modesty and self-effacement, seeking to avoid arrogance or pride in the eyes of others. While this form of humility has its merits in fostering empathy towards others, it falls short when it becomes a facade that masks a deeper sense of unworthiness or inadequacy.


In contrast, humility before God entails a profound recognition of His sovereignty and goodness, coupled with a reverent submission to His will. It is not about denigrating ourselves but exalting God and acknowledging His infinite wisdom and grace. Psalm 139:14 beautifully captures this sentiment, declaring, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."


Understanding Why Having the Right Attitude is Important


It's really important to have the right attitude about humility. This means understanding who we are as God's children. Ephesians 2:10 tells us that we are made by God and that He has good things planned for us to do. Instead of acting like we're not good enough, we should accept the gifts and talents God gave us and use them to make Him happy and help others. If other people question your worth or your gifts all you need to do is to affirm who God says you are in the Bible. If they choose to not embrace His word about themselves that is entirely their choice. The relationship that should matter the most in your life is your personal relationship with your Redeemer and Lord.


Also, being humble before God means we have to trust Him completely. We need to be okay with giving up what we want and following His plans, even if we don't understand them. Isaiah 55:8-9 tells us that God's thoughts and ways are way better than ours, so we should trust Him. When we let go and let God lead us, amazing things can happen in our lives. We need to allow God to fulfill His purpose through our lives.



Understanding What Humility Really Means


To sum it all up, humility isn't about making ourselves seem small or unimportant. Instead, it's about showing how amazing God is and following His plans with respect and wonder. While acting humble around people might mean acting modest, being humble in front of God goes much deeper.


Psalm 138:6 states,” Though the Lord is on high, Yet He regards the lowly; But the proud He knows from afar.” As Christians, we're supposed to be humble. This means knowing that we need God for everything and trusting Him completely. We should also remember that God made us special and loves us a lot, so we should use our talents to make Him happy and to help others. We are his instruments, and He can require of us whatever He pleases. Do you remember the story of the prophet Jonah who refused to deliver a message to the people of Nineveh? He felt that God would forgive the people and that would make him seem to be a false prophet. In the end, he delivered the message after being swallowed by a whale and being thrown on the shore of the city.

Let's work on having an attitude of humility that shows how much we respect and trust God. Let us demonstrate our faith in who He says we are. When we do that, we're doing what we're meant to do, and God will bless us for it. 

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